Access Planning Jibe
AP-Jibe (Access Planning Jibe) suite is an access network planning toolset that enables a telecom operator to:

- Use the tools by multiple users & organizations to build a collaborative plan
- Plan for all stakeholders (engineering, finance, product, operations, etc.)
- Make data driven decisions to reduce regrettable investments, and
- Analyze different what-if scenarios in matter of minutes
All in a matter of minutes …
Planning tools in AP-Jibe suite
AP-Jibe offers many transformation tools for the convenience of the operators, network over builders and the infrastructure investors. The following are the tools offered at present.
APJ-BP (Brownfield network transformation planner)
Operators with existing access infrastructure are constantly under pressure to upgrade their network to meet customer demand growth, meet competitive pressures and to deliver new service offering. AP-Jibe will provide a detailed access plan that
- Provides flexible way to define technologies, costs, resources, upgrade paths, architectures, etc.
- Enables to program different business requirements, and constraints in an intuitive way
- Offers calculating optimal upgrade paths, and place restrictions on budget and resources

APJ-NE (Network expansion planner)
Our latest module APJ-NE offers the state-of-the-art solution for network expansion planning. This is focused on assisting telecom operators, private equity firms, network over builders, etc. to plan access network, build out and greenfield expansions. APJ-NE offers

- An automated way to generate the initial access deployment plan for new areas
- A greenfield planner that enables operator to effectively plan new home additions to the existing areas, and
- Brownfield node level extensions by adding additional homes to existing infrastructure
APJ-IN (Integrated network planner)
Our customers always wonder while the resources and budget are common across the lines of business, why not the access plans? So, we brought brownfield and expansion plans together in APJ-IN to offer a comprehensive integrated plan. The APJ-IN offers
- Integration of brownfield and network expansion planning
- Network transformation planning for new areas
- Considerations to impose combined budgetary constraints, resource constraints, and optimization
- Assessment of the combined plan impacts on finance, operations, product offering, etc.

APJ-View (Analytics viewer)
AP-Jibe’s results are used by different stakeholders, including the leaders of the organization. Most of them want to understand the results. APJ-View provides
- A detailed financial, operational, technological, and many other insights
- The most detailed (at a node level) transformation information, and
- Capabilities to zoom out to understand the big picture to make enterprise-wide decisions